2024年乐鱼真人百家乐万博 体育 app(www.bettingcrownzonezonezone.com)

2024年乐鱼真人百家乐万博 体育 app(www.bettingcrownzonezonezone.com)

良善「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


位于巴哈马群岛埃克苏马礁群中的Terra Nova Cay,是一座令东谈主心弛神往的私东谈主岛屿。本期将先容这片尚未建树的绝好意思天国。

Located in the Exuma Cays of the Bahamas, Terra Nova Cay is a dream private island. This edition introduces this pristine, undeveloped paradise.


Terra Nova Cay坐落在原始的埃克苏马岛链上,距离埃克苏马大陆仅2.8英里,交通极为便利。从拿骚和佛罗里达皆有直达航班,航程少顷。在这里,你既能享受岛屿的阴私与宁静,又能快速理会到大城市的各式便利智商和行状。


Terra Nova Cay is nestled in the unspoiled Exuma Cays, just 2.8 miles from the mainland of Exuma, offering exceptional convenience. With direct flights from Nassau and Florida, travel is swift and easy. Here, you can enjoy the island’s privacy and tranquility while maintaining quick access to the amenities and services of major cities.


This 160-acre island boasts diverse topography, with elevations exceeding 25 feet and breathtaking panoramic views. It features a 30-acre pond, ideal for development into a potential marina. Additionally, the island has a 0.5-mile beach, providing a serene haven.



Terra Nova Cay的当然环境无与伦比。这里被碧蓝的海洋环绕,海水清醒见底,丰富的海洋生物和五彩斑斓的珊瑚礁使这里成为水上行为的理思时事。潜水和浮潜爱好者不错在这里探索热带鱼类和躲闪的海湾,体验一场特有的水下探险。岛上的当然植被茁壮,为各式野灵活植物提供了栖息地,散步其中,仿佛踏进于一个自然的生态保护区。

The natural environment of Terra Nova Cay is unparalleled. Surrounded by crystal-clear, azure waters, the island is a haven for marine life and vibrant coral reefs, making it a perfect spot for water activities. Diving and snorkeling enthusiasts can explore tropical fish and hidden coves, experiencing a unique underwater adventure. The island’s lush vegetation offers a habitat for various wildlife, making a stroll feel like walking through a natural ecological reserve.

当作一座未建树岛屿,Terra Nova Cay领有无尽的建树后劲。这里不错成为一个私东谈主岛屿庄园、豪华旅社或住宅地产建树名目。不管是为我方打造一个糜费的私东谈主度假胜地,已经建树成一个高端旅游度假村,这座岛屿皆能恬逸各式高端需求。该岛优胜的地舆位置和秀气的当然环境,使其成为那些寻求阴私和糜费生存的投资者的理思之地。

As an undeveloped island, Terra Nova Cay holds limitless development potential. It can be transformed into a private island estate, a luxurious hotel, or a residential real estate development. Whether you aim to create an opulent private retreat or develop a high-end resort, this island can meet various upscale demands. Its prime location and stunning natural surroundings make it an ideal choice for investors seeking privacy and a luxurious lifestyle.


Terra Nova Cay是始终产权私东谈主岛屿,现在正在出售中,售价为1275万好意思金。如有有趣,接待私信讨论。

Terra Nova Cay is a freehold private island currently for sale at $12.75 million. If interested, please feel free to send your inquiry.

万博 体育 app


Thank you for your time. Until next time!





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Global Domain 「岛鸣海外」是私东谈主岛屿生存思志的观点者,奋勉于于提供各人范畴内真确灵验的私东谈主岛屿销售信息及配套行状。在后疫情和地缘政事打破风险加大的新时间布景下,为高净值东谈主群对资金安全和东谈主身安全的双重需求建议更始性的经管有策画。

